Multiple Deliveries in One Invoice Line

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It is possible to create a commercial invoice document template that will combine multiple deliveries into one invoice line  - also known as summarized invoice lines. There are some rules that apply to what may be combined to form one invoice line. Lines will be grouped as follows:


By cost item type
By contract-delivery-line to which the cost items are linked (so purchase and sales sides remain separated)
By Price (where all lump sum items are considered to have the same price)
Any logistics-references for the summarized lines reference is taken from the first line in the group.
By VAT percentage
By type of parcels if they are added to a logistics delivery line)


This grouping is done in the invoice document template. A merge field called SummarizedInvoiceLines is used.  More information about this merge field can be found in the Document Template Guide.  Agiboo recommends that users create a separate invoice document template to use when invoice line grouping is needed.


Note: This functionality is not available for charge invoices.