Merging Back Split or Deleted Contract Costs

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The following is information relating to what happens to contract costs when a contract delivery line portion with costs is split or deleted.


When a user creates a new portion it is always done by splitting quantity from an existing portion, and the costs are split proportionally between them. It doesn't matter whether the old portion was open or not.  There are 3 main cases:

1.when splitting a reservation or a delivery line, so the original portion is not open
2.when creating a partial reservation from the remaining quantity in the open portion
3.when creating a full reservation from the remaining quantity in the open portion (take all cost items)


When a user removes a portion there are 3 types of actions:

A.There was an open portion and the removed portion was merged back into that open portion. In this case Agiblocks will take all cost items from the open portion only and any lump sum cost items are proportionally increased. Example: merge back 40 MT into 60 MT to become 100 MT. The 60 MT has a lump sum of 30 USD, then this is increased to 50 USD. The cost items of the removed portion are deleted.
B.There was no open portion and the removed portion is not merged back into anything. Agiblocks keeps all cost items the same as before, changing it back to open.
C.There was an open portion but the portion was not merged back into that open portion. This may happen when an action is taken outside of making a change in costing. (Example: if you change a property on a Reservation in the Reservation screen and then delete the Reservation, it will not merge it back into the existing open portion but create a new portion.) Like for case B, Agiblocks keeps all cost items the same as before, changing item back to open.