Mark to Market Comparision Information

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Comparison information between two snapshots is available.  This is The Mark to Market screen exports may show information on both the main snapshot and any comparison snapshot.


When users open the Mark to Market screen they will see that for the comparison snapshot the value No compare is selected.


No compare option

When this option is selected, then Mark to Market will simply load and value data of the main snapshot selected (either Current or a snapshot date) and not compare this another snapshot.  When you select a snapshot to compare to (either Previous or a snapshot date) then Mark to Market will load both snapshots and compare them:

The screens supports P&L values for both snapshots and the difference between them.
The detail screens allows you to inspect the records values in the compared snapshot by clicking on it.
The Excel export contains not only the asset values in the main snapshot on every row, but next to it also the asset values in the compared snapshot.


This will allow making an in-depth analysis of the changes that took place between the 2 snapshots