Many to One Delivery Execution Rules

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Group Execution and Un-Execution

1.A group is executed when all lines are executed and reverse: executing the group means executing all lines.
2.Whenever some,  but not all of the lines are executed, the entire group form is made read-only.  This is to prevent that you can affect the already executed lines.
3.When all executed, you can un-execute either one line or the whole group.
4.When un-executing a line, the situation is again the same as for partial execution of the group (i.e. the group section is read-only).
5.When un-executing the group the situation is again the same as when you never executed anything (all fields are editable).
6.Adding a line to a group that is fully executed gives the same situation as un-executing a single line and then changing the quantities: the group values are recalculated, while the group form is read-only.
7.If you delete a line from a group (which can only be done when that line is not executed) then the totals are recalculated and whether the group is editable depends on the other rules.
8.Splitting a line has the same effect as the combination of decreasing quantities and adding a line.