Delivery Status on the Contract Risk Tab

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Delivery lines on the Risk tab of a contract are displayed with their execution status. This differs per delivery line type:

For each Purchase delivery line, the total quantity is broken down into status Open, Reserved, Preparing, Delivering, Sold (if to Sales) and Stored (if to Inventory).
For each Sales delivery line, the total quantity is broken down into status Open, Reserved, Preparing, Delivering and Delivered.


There are five execution statuses on the Risk tab of a contract:


The goods listed on the contract or inventory, available for reservations.


A match has been made between an incoming delivery, storage/inventory or an outgoing delivery.


A delivery has been created for the reservation.


When the Point of No Return is reached - the goods are in transit.


Once executed - the goods have arrived. There are three variations of Delivered:

Stored (only for Purchase contract risk tab, for a purchase-to-inventory reservation: once the delivery into inventory was executed).
Sold (only for Purchase contract risk tab, for a purchase-to-sales reservation: once the sales side was executed).
Delivered (only for Sales contract risk tab, for any reservation: once the sales side was executed).


In this example, a To be fixed contract has been fully priced and two Full Pricings made for delivery lines in different states of execution:

