Internal Company Bank Accounts

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Note: To add a bank account to an Internal company , first add the bank as a relation.


Scroll to the Bank accounts section and select Add new record.  An edit box opens.


Select a Bank name from the drop down list.
Select a currency for the bank.
Add the bank account number.
Tick the Is IBAN check box if the bank account number is an IBAN number.
Tick the Default check box to have this bank appear as the default selection for an invoice.
If a viabank reference needs to be added, select a bank from the drop down list in the ViaBank field.  The bank name and account number will appear to the right once the bank has been selected.
Select first the green check mark and then the Save and close buttons on the internal company record to commit.
This bank account is now stored and can be found in contract entry where it can be selected as the bank account into which a customer needs to pay.