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Future instruments and their expiration dates are configured in Master data by an administrator. You have the following options:


App bar buttons:

Question Mark

Opens on-line reference guide in a new tab/window.

Hedge allocation

Used to match the Futures uploaded from a broker statement with the Future requirements added in Contract entry.

Upload broker statement

Opens an upload broker statement screen.


Opens a Futures entry screen to manually enter a new futures contract.


Returns you to the Agiblocks home screen.


Command line buttons:


Opens a screen similar to the New screen, where details for the selected Future can be edited.


Deletes the Futures record if there have not been lots assigned to it.


Futures screen


Hedge requirements are created automatically depending on the Agiblocks system configuration. The following actions may then be performed:

1.Create a New futures contract, or Upload a broker statement.
2.Perform a Hedge allocation to match futures to hedge requirements from physical contracts..
3.Do a Price Rolling by rolling a future to a different period.