Financing Process Summary

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1.On the Purchase tab, users will select one of the not-yet-financed purchase deliveries and create a new financing for it.
2.Only after that, once there are actual goods for this purchase delivery through executions (either floating or as stored inventory) these will automatically be traced as collaterals and will appear on the collaterals tab.
3.While being traced, collaterals get start and end dates: start date when created and end date when the goods are moved on.
4.Once goods are sold, a Sale collateral will show the invoice amount.  Users can select the collateral record and open the financing details. On the list of collaterals on the financing details page, you may edit the Sale to enter the end date.  This indicates that it is no longer a collateral because the invoice was paid and the portion of the credit line related to this sold part was paid back.