Fair Value Accruals

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New types of accruals have been added to version 3.28.0 to support the exchange of Fair Value information with a financial system.


Note: These accruals are only generated if Agiboo has configured your Agiblocks system to generate them.  Please contact your Agiboo project manager or Agiboo Support for more information.


When a contract has been initially created and has been assigned a Fair Value contract status, the following are the initial posting profiles generated:

PURCH_CONTRACT_VALUE_INITIAL (Initial cost item posting for a purchase contract)
PURCH_MARKET_VALUE_INITIAL (Initial market value posting for a purchase contract)
SALE_CONTRACT_VALUE_INITIAL (Initial cost item posting for a sales contract)
SALE_MARKET_VALUE_INITIAL (Initial market value posting for a sales contract)


When contracts are then updated in some manner causing pricing, reservation or costing changes, these initial posting profiles are reversed using the following profiles:  

oPURCH_CONTRACT_VALUE_REV (To revert cost item posting for a purchase contract)
oPURCH_MARKET_VALUE_REV (To revert market value posting for a purchase contract)
oSALE_CONTRACT_VALUE_REV (To revert cost item posting for a sales contract)
oSALE_MARKET_VALUE_REV (To revert market value posting for a purchase contract)


Then new accruals are generated for them as follows:

PURCH_CONTRACT_VALUE (Cost item posting for a purchase contract)
PURCH_MARKET_VALUE (Market value posting for a purchase contract)
SALE_CONTRACT_VALUE (Cost item posting for a sales contract)
SALE_MARKET_VALUE (Market value posting for a purchase contract)


When purchased goods become floating, then instead of the above purchase accruals, the following accruals are generated:

INVENTORY_FLOATING_VALUE (Cost item posting for floating inventory)
INVENTORY_FLOATING _MARKET_VALUE (Market value posting for floating inventory)
INVENTORY_FLOATING _VALUE_REV (To revert cost item posting for floating inventory)
INVENTORY_FLOATING _MARKET_VALUE_REV (To revert market value posting for floating inventory)


When goods become stored inventory then instead of the above floating inventory accruals, the following accruals are generated:

INVENTORY_STORED_VALUE (Cost item posting for stored inventory)
INVENTORY_ STORED_MARKET_VALUE (Market value posting for stored inventory)
INVENTORY_ STORED__VALUE_REV (To revert cost item posting for stored inventory)
INVENTORY_ STORED__MARKET_VALUE_REV (To revert market value posting for stored inventory)


Inventory Lots (stock and floating) now have the price of their market value cost item based on their own position, valuation period and reporting period.  When an inventory lot or floating lot is created, it has initially the same position, valuation period and reporting period as the purchase contract. But its position can be changed on the Inventory lot form and its periods can be rolled/moved using the buttons on the Position screen. The estimated market price is based on market data for its own Position, Valuation period, and Reporting period, and not on the information on the contract


For inventory re-estimation can change values when:

the inventory lot is created
the position parameters of the inventory lot are changed
in case it is unpriced, when a (partial) pricing takes place
when the inventory lot is sold (and then like all other cases, the market value is frozen)