Entering Counterparty Credit Limits

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A Counterparty credit limit amount is entered by editing a Counterparty record.  (The credit limit cannot be entered when creating a Counterparty).  To enter a credit limit amount:


Select the Counterparty tile from the Main menu.
Select the Counterparty name from the table of Counterparties on the Counterparties screen.
Select the Edit button from the App bar.  This will open the Counterparty record in edit mode.
Enter the credit limit amount in the Credit limit field.




Select the Save and close button to save the record.  The credit limit amount will now appear in the Counterparty information at the top of the screen.  


Credit limit amount



Credit Risk Permissions

There are 2 permissions to manage viewing and editing credit risk information. Edit credit risk allows you to enter credit limit information. View credit risk allows you to view the credit risk information on a Counterparty screen.   Both are found in the Company section of permissions.





Note: Credit risk will be enabled for all existing Enterprise customers, but Agiblocks Administrators will need to grant permissions to users in order to see and edit this information.