Deliveries Permissions

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The following Permissions apply to logistic Deliveries.




Permission name



Obsolete - no longer used.

Delete delivery

To show the delete icon on a delivery end point of a delivery open in the delivery screen and enable a user to delete the end point.

Edit delivery

To edit a delivery form.

Edit delivery lines section

To edit the Delivery lines section of a Delivery form.

Edit document section

To edit documents under the Documents tab.

Edit inventory/storage

Obsolete - no longer used.

Edit seller section

Obsolete - no longer used.

Edit status section

To edit the status section of a delivery form.

New deliveries

To see the New button on the App bar on the Deliveries screen and create a new delivery from the New deliveries screen.

Save allocations

Obsolete - no longer used.

Save seller section

Obsolete - no longer used.

Search deliveries

Obsolete - no longer used.

Search logistics

To see the Deliveries tile on the Home screen and access the Deliveries screen.

View delivery

To see a Delivery form.

View delivery lines section

To see the Delivery lines section on a Delivery form.

View document tab section

To see the Documents tab and view document information on a Delivery form.

View financial tab

To see the financial tab on a Delivery form. Note: A user must have the View commodity costing and/or Edit commodity costing permissions (under the Edit Role screen Contracts section) to see and edit information in a Delivery form financial tab.

View inventory/storage

Obsolete - no loner used.

View logistics tab

To see the Logistics tab on a Delivery form.

View seller section

Obsolete - no longer used.

View status section

To see the Status section on a Delivery form.