Shipped and Delivered Quantities to Storage

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The Execution section for deliveries to storage can be adjusted to match the executed quantities within the tolerance defined in the contract. Like a Delivery to sales, if the incoming delivery has already been executed, the left side will be read-only. If both sides have been executed, both sides will be read-only.


The process for executing a delivery to storage is similar to that of executing a delivery to sales.  However, the form contains some extra fields.


Select any additional packing from the drop down list and adjust the quantity.  The packing drop down list shows a list of Parcel types for the commodity which is being shipped.
Enter or adjust a Shipped quantity. It copies automatically to the Delivered quantity.
If Inventory properties exist (such as weight note information), select the property and enter the delivered quantity corresponding to the property.


Del Execution Weight Notes 1

If there is a difference between Shipped and Delivered, it can be written it off via the Write-off check box at the bottom right. Tick the Write-off box to discard any difference between Gross and Net quantity. This is the difference between “left = shipped” and “right = delivered” based on the “differences” This marks the Difference as Lost or Found in the delivery itself and will not “remain as open quantity in the delivery/shipment. Quantities which are written off will no longer be included in Mark to Market or Position calculations.


Note: a write-off cannot exceed 10% of the total quantity.  An error message will appear if the write-off is more than 10%.


The full purchase amount will be recorded on the cost sheet. If this has a different quantity, the price per quantity unit of that lot will be adjusted accordingly. This is when the purchase is moved into a warehouse and the cost of goods is based on the full price per the actual stored quantity.
If you enter multiple lines the form will:
ofirst execute the total quantity into 1 inventory lot
onext, it uses the existing Split functionality for inventory to split from this lot the quantities specified for the other lines, while applying their bags and inventory property.
othe first line gets as lot number the warrant number with a /1 appended. Each subsequent lot gets the next number /2, /3, etc.