Delete Unallocated Quantities in Reservations

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In Reservations, you can delete an unallocated Purchase or Sales quantity to indicate that this contractual quantity will not be used.


For example, on a Purchase contract with one delivery of 2500 KG of butter, you reserve 2450 KG. This leaves 50KG available for reservation.

Hover over the contract number on the Reservation screen to see a Remove button.
Select to remove this reservation from the Reservations screen.




In the Purchase contract, this amount now becomes listed on the delivery as Unused:




If a mistake has been made, this unused quantity may be moved back to Reservations:

In the contract Deliveries tab, select the Edit pencil in the Deliveries section.
Then select the Edit pencil on the delivery line.
Change the quantity of Unused to 0kg.
Save using the check mark on the delivery line.
Alternatively, select the X to Cancel the change.




Commit the change by selecting Save and Close.  
The 50 KG will now appear as a record again on the Reservations screen.





Note:  When saving a change in Unused quantity, the changes are validated so that the Unused + executed Net quantity is in line with delivery line quantity +/- contract tolerance.

