Default Logistic Events

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Logistic events are pre-populated with a default set of values.  These are:



Nominated vessel - System default Point of no return for all delivery terms.

Drafts received

Drafts received from seller

Drafts approved

Approved drafts received from seller

Copies received

Copies received from seller

Originals received

Originals received from seller

Drafts sent

Drafts sent to buyer

Copies sent

Copies sent to buyer

Originals sent

Originals sent to buyer - System default Execution event on all delivery lines.


All of the above events are used by default in Agiblocks for deliveries. However, they can be edited and other events added. A Master data manager should set-up relevant logistic events for his organization before beginning to use the Delivery module.


Logistic events will be displayed in the Status section of a Delivery form.


Make all logistic event names unique

In the logistic events you can have similar names for the events on the purchase side and the sale side. However, it is preferable to have unique names for events on each side because they affect the filter options on the Delivery screen.


An example:


If NOMINATED is configured for both the purchase and sale, when you look at the events in the delivery tab you see NOMINATED only once. This means that you cannot cannot filter on either a purchase or sale being nominated, as the field is there only once.


So instead of using the same names for purchase and sales events, make them unique.  Example, if NOMINATED is used for the Purchase side, name the similar Sale related logistic event something like “SHIPMENT ADVISED”.