Decimal Places and Rounding

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Agiblocks follows a your computer system browser preferences on whether a dot (.) or comma (,) is used as a decimal separator. The number of decimal places displayed and used for calculation differs per variable.


In this screenshot, a period (.) is used as a decimal separator, with thousands indicated by a comma (,).




The following are decimal and rounding rules for certain types of information.


Currency Amount

Two decimal places are always displayed. If the value is 0 (zero), then only a 0 is displayed with no decimal place is shown. All currency values are rounded up to 2 decimal places.

Quantity units



Three decimal places are always displayed. If the value is 0 (zero), then no decimal place is shown. Thousand separators are used to improve readability. All quantity values are rounded up to 3 decimal places.


No decimal places are shown because lots should always be a whole number. Lot values are rounded up to whole numbers - i.e. no decimal places.

Currency Rates

Calculations are done using 6 decimals. 6 decimal places are also displayed for editing and viewing. Rate values are rounded up to 6 decimals, not fewer. Note - Usually markets only use 6 decimals.


Ratios are entered and displayed using 3 decimal places.

Option Premium

Up to 4 decimal places are shown and can be entered for an Option Premium Contract.