Create an Incoming Invoice

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Select the New button at the top right App bar on the screen.  A blank invoice screen will appear.


Note: The VAT/GST section may look different depending on how VAT/GST is configured in your Agiblocks system.

Blank incoming invoice


Fill in the following Invoice section information:

Supplier - A counterparty or relation to be paid
External Invoice Number – Invoice number on the document
Invoice date - Date of the invoice
Posting date - Posting date for the invoice
Payment term - The payment terms stated on the invoice  
Due date - Date for the invoice payment
Status - Invoice status: draft or complete
User Name - This is prefilled with your Agiblocks user name
Currency - Invoice currency type
Amount Exc. VAT - Total amount of the invoice excluding VAT
Amount Inc. VAT - Total amount of the invoice including any VAT


VAT/GST Section

If your VAT/GST section has not been configured with a default, selectthe VAT/GST designation for the invoice. This designation is usually per country.  You can declare 1 or more VAT/GST rates and amounts on an invoice depending on how your VAT/GST Master data has been configured.


Select Save and Close to save the information and return to the incoming invoices list.  Select Save to save the information and continue editing.  Select Cancel to discard any information and return to the Incoming invoices screen without saving the invoice.