Creating a New Contract with a Future

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When adding a new contract with a future, a hedge requirement will automatically be created, depending on the configuration of Agiblocks.


To create a new contract with a future:

Select a counterparty and add a new contract.
Select a Commodity type for which futures have been defined.
Select a Position.
Select To Be Fixed at the Pricing type field (when creating a new contract).
This opens new fields, see screen-shot.





Select future exchange, period, year and settlement.
Save the contract. Approve according to company procedure.
When the customer calls to buy the future, re-open this contract.
Navigate to the Risk tab and select the Edit button.
Under Pricing:
oAdjust the premium if necessary.
oSelect the number of lots to price.
oChoose the applicable futures period.
oSelect the currency for the final contract price.
Under Position:
oConfirm the exchange to be used.
oEnter costs and freight charges per MT.
oSelect the current period to be used.
Under Forex:
oAdd a Forex requirement if different currencies are involved.


Risk tab new contract