Cost Analysis and Clearance

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Agiblocks users can manage cost differences for deliveries in cost sheets found in the Financial tab of a Delivery. You can make a cost item as "invoiced", as per a certain date, meaning that no further invoices are still expected for this cost item. As a result, any accruals for the remaining differences between actual and expected amount are reversed. This is sometimes called clearance.


While this is useful, this doesn't make it easy to find cost items that might need to be marked as Invoiced in Agiblocks.  So a new screen called Cost analysis and clearance has been added where you can more quickly find and manage cost items.  


This new screen is accessed via an Analysis & Clearance button on the App bar of the Outgoing invoices screen.




There are 2 permissions associated with this new screen which are found in the Invoice section of the Roles screen:




Selecting Costs deviations analysis allows a user to see the Analysis and Clearance button on the Outgoing Invoices screen ad to view and search the Costs analysis and clearance screen.  Selecting Costs deviations clearance allows a user to select and perform data edits on the screen.