Commodity Elements

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A Master data tile has been added to track commodities with elements, such as fat content. This tile can be found under the Configuration => Trade tab. Select to view, add or edit Commodity elements:





Select the arrow next to the Commodity element name to view the history.



Add a new record by selecting the Add new record button.
Ordinal number orders the commodity elements on drop-down boxes. Ordinal numbers must be unique within a commodity, including unused records.
A Default percentage for this commodity element for this commodity can be entered.
Select Insert to save or Cancel to cancel changes.



Two command line items appear at the end of each item in the list: Edit and Delete.
Edit to open a window with the same fields as Add new record.
Delete moves the Commodity element to the inactive list, which can be viewed under Show unused records.
These fields are accessible as merge fields for document generation in contracts.
