Different Final Price for Buyer and Seller

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Commodity elements are expressed in percentages. It is possible that the buyer and seller measure different percentages. Agiblocks includes functionality that documents this and allows different final prices for the buyer and the seller.


Scenario for a specific commodity element:

The supplier measures the element at 82%.
The customer measures the element at 81%.
The default for settlement fields is the average: 81.50%
The supplier accepts the average.
The customer does not accept it, and they agree to settle on 81.25%.
This can now be changed in the contract.


There are four fields for each percentage:

1)A field for the seller’s measurements.
2)A field to enter the buyer’s measurements.
3)A field for the seller’s settlement (or actual) percentage.
4)A field for the buyer’s settlement (or actual) percentage.


The behavior of the settlement fields are:

Both fields take the average as default.
Both fields can be changed by you separately.
Each side uses its own settlement value to calculate its own final price.

