Charge Invoice Lines Section

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For charge Invoices, the Lines section is not filled by allocating cost items. Instead, cost items are created for this invoice. Select Add New Record. This opens an in-line edit section for entering line information.


Item describes the type of cost incurred as entered in Master data.
Value type is Price per unit, lump sum or a percentage of amount or over financing period.
Quantity and Value are both followed by a drop-down box to select units (KG, LB, MT).

(This allows selection of Quantity in MT and Price per KG, for example).

The currency is taken over from the previous section and not specified here.
Description is a free text field.
VAT Rate is selected from a drop-down box, with values populated in Master data. First select the VAT Country under the Invoice section to see VAT Rates for that country here.
Select Insert to add this line.




The line as added looks like this.
Select Add new record to add another line as necessary.
Select Save and Close to commit these changes.

