Cost Value Types

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Costs added to a cost sheet may be of 4 types:


Price per unit - The value is multiplied by the goods quantity.
Lump sum - One single value used as a total cost.
Percentage over contract amount - The value to be entered becomes a %.  This % is multiplied times the contract value (quantity * price) to calculate the cost. If the quantity = 100 and the price is 10 than the value of the goods is 1000. If a cost is 5 % than the value is 50 to be added as cost.
Percentage over financing period - The value to be entered becomes a %.  This % is multiplied times the contract value (quantity * price) to calculate the cost and then spreads it over the finance period.  Example: 5% interest on a year base is 50. If interest is calculated for finance period of 31 days --> 31/365 * 50 = 4,24. Which is approximately 1/12th of a year.


Note:  when selecting the 'Percentage over the financing period' the field 'Finance Days' field needs to be used.

