Volatility and Black Model Calculations

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The following are calculations used in volatility and Black model values.




DailyVolatility = STDDEV(LogReturn[0 .. 19])


Where LogReturn[i] = LN(Price[i]/Price[i+1])


Where Price[0] = today’s price, Price[1] = yesterday’s price, Price[2] the day before that


Yearvolatility = DailyVolatility * SQRT(DaysPerYear)



Black Model


The formula for the Black model for valuation of options on futures can be summarized as:


1.        Inputs:

U = Price of the underlying future instrument
E = Strike price = the price at which the option give the right to buy (call options) or sell (put options)
t = time to expiration in years (compare currentDate to optionExpirationDate
r = risk free interest rate = system parameter or passed in by user and passed on to constructor
v = Volatility, as calculated above
Function N'( x ) to calculate normal distribution density values
Function N( x ) to calculate cumulative normal distribution values


2.        Formulas (source: Natenberg 1994, Option Volatility & Pricing, appendix A)



3.        Rephrased formulas:

Options 14