Accruals for Lost Inventory (Completely Lost Lot)

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Accruals are now generated when some quantity on inventory lots is marked as Lost.  This is represented on the cost sheet and in accruals. There are two situations where these accruals are generated:

1.When some quantity was Lost or Found, the original accruals are reverted and booked again with the new quantity.
2.In case the last remaining quantity was Lost, so the remaining quantity is 0, then the remaining value of the Lost quantity is booked as Lost using a specific new type of accrual, LOST_INVENT


Like for SALE_INVENT there will be 4 variations of this new posting profile:



Impact on the Financial API

For posted accruals, the merge fields that can be used for dimensions are based on the original delivery. Other information sent in the accrual is based on the Lot:


PortionNo is the number of the lot
GoodsPortionNo is in this case the same: also the portion number of the lot
FirstPortionNo is like for other cases, the number for the portion from the left side of that original delivery


Last Lost Transaction

Month-end accruals for Lost lots are only created if it is the last Lost transaction.  No Lost accruals are generated if it is not the last Lot. This is seen when you do a Lost transaction on an inventory lot. There are then 2 scenarios:

1.The remaining quantity is not 0 - Then the Goods value remains the same. You have less quantity but you still spent the same money for it.  There are no Lost inventory accruals in this case and as a result, also no month-end process for them.
2.There is a remaining quantity of 0 - You cannot say that 0 quantity has the same Goods value as before as there are no goods.  So Agiblocks creates a Lost Inventory accrual. In a month end scenario when this is booked in the “old month”, only then will Agiblocks also apply a month-end accrual structure to it.


This Lost transaction with remainder of 0 is what is referred to as the “last Lost transaction”.


Period Closure and Lost Lots

If period closure is active and there is no open period, Agiblocks will prevent you from marking a lot as Lost as you can only lose an inventory lot when there is an open period for accounting.


Agiblocks 3.31 Upgrade and Lost Lot Accruals for Existing Data

During the upgrade to Agiblocks 3.31, Lost accruals will be generated for all existing costing sheets but not sent to any integrated financial system.   It is possible to send these accruals.  If you wish to have any of the Lost accruals sent to your integrated financial system, please contact Agiboo Support or Consulting.