Walkthrough for Fully Pricing a Contract

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Create a To be priced contract, with a single delivery.




The Costs tab shows a single PURC line, currently un-priced.




Use the Filter on the Reservations screen to find the contract:





Create some reservations, in this case to Storage and a Destination:




Find the Deliveries on the Delivery screen. Select Create Delivery for the 1500MT to any EU factory to change its status from Reserved to Preparing. Leave the 500MT to the Storage in status Reserved for now.




The Contract Risk tab now looks like this:




The PURC item on the Contract Costs tab has been split into three lines:




Select the Still to be fixed line in View mode on the Risk tab to create partial manual prices. Note how the "free" lots are updated every time more lots are priced. These lots are now available for Full Pricings.





In this example, all lots were priced before being allocated to deliveries. This order could also be reversed. Select the Reserved delivery to highlight it in green, then select the Allocate button. This opens the Full Pricing insert, where the relevant lots can be selected. (The default would be the first priced lots, FIFO).




Select the check mark to save. A new Full Pricing has been created for the 500MT Reserved delivery. It is no longer listed under the top To be fixed box. (The two remaining deliveries can be 100% priced together (since all lots are priced). For the purposes of this exercise, it will be done separately).




The new price for this 500MT Reserved delivery is displayed on the Costs tab:




Repeat to create full pricings for the remaining two deliveries:




Each delivery has its own price displayed on its own line on the Contract Costs tab. The logistic delivery process is independent of the pricing process described here. At any stage, these deliveries could have progressed to a different execution status. Full pricing allows partial pricings to be split over partial deliveries, to allow invoices to be made for the partial deliveries, even if the contract is not fully priced.

