Visual Clues on a Cost Sheet

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On a Delivery Financial Tab, visual clues have been added to assist you Some of these indicate Priced, Executed and Invoiced.


The Delivery Line number (“/1”) is displayed at the end of the contract number to enable a Logistics user to determine to which delivery of this contract the costs are assigned.
A green tick on the Transport cost sheet indicates if the cost item refers to the incoming (Purchase) delivery or the outgoing (Sales) delivery.
The Invoiced status is displayed when the invoice check box has been edited manually.  A mouse hover-over will show the date the tick box has been checked to show an invoiced state.
Values in black bold indicate a delivery has been priced.
Values in green indicate that the assets are executed.
Bold green values indicate that the assets are both priced and executed.


A mouse hover-over values in bold or green will show the value and their exact status, i.e. for bold green it will show the value plus "Priced, Executed"

