Unrealized P&L Screen

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The Unrealized P&L module is a screen shows a variety of values. On the left, the currency and the most recent rate is shown. The remainder of the values is grouped using colors starting from the left as follows:

Unrealized PnL


First Column - Gray

Overall totals
A summary of all values for all internal companies are displayed in the row first by Internal company currency and then by original reporting currency.


Values per internal company.
The first column shows the company name and values in the company currency.  The second blue column without an internal company name shows the reporting currency totals.



Red columns next to a blue column are Forex values. The first column with the Forex label shows Forex contracts which have not yet matured in the Internal company currency (converted from the original reporting currency). The second red column without a label displays values in in the internal company reporting currency.


Values per commodity groups.

Commodity groups are displayed in alphabetical order.


Values by futures instruments.

Red (within the green group)



Values for Positions, recorded separately under the headings Bought, Stock and Sold.

The amount column displays the value of the goods in its recorded currency.
The MTM (Mark to Market) column displays the value of the goods against the market value.


The different currencies are displayed as rows under all these columns. The first column totals the values in the currency selected under the filter.