Undoing an Executed Shipping Delivery

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An executed delivery transaction can be undone (execution reversed). There are however, some restrictions on undoing an executed delivery. These are related to invoicing and closing periods.


A delivery can only be un-executed when the balance of all commercial and provisional invoices and their credited invoices is zero.

If there are commercial invoices that are draft, you must delete them before undoing the executed delivery.
If there are commercial invoices that are complete, you must credit them before undoing the executed delivery.


Note: A non-executed delivery can never have any commercially invoiced amount.  For this reason Agiblocks will only allow you to “undo” any delivery when the balance of non-provisional commercial invoices and their credited invoices is zero.


When un-executing the right side of a Delivery to Sales, the resulting floating asset is assigned reporting and valuation periods using the following logic:


Reporting period

If period closure is being used, the reporting period is set to the current open period.
If period closure is not being used or there is no open period, the reporting period is set based on the current date.


Valuation period

This is always set to the closest non-expired period based on the current date.


When un-executing the left side of a Delivery; the Purchase Contract is updated with the valuation and reporting periods from the floating asset.  However if the floating asset reporting and valuation periods get updated from an un-execution of a Delivery to Sales, the Purchase Contract will get these same values as well.


If the shipment is in a closed period, you must use the Reverse execution screen.