Text Field for Logistic Events

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It is now possible to add a text field for each logistic event where additional information can be recorded.  Entering information in the text field for a logistic event may be made required.  Existing logistics events may be edited to include a text field.


Logistic events are configured in master data.  To add a text field to a logistic event, select the Logistics event tile from the Configuration->Logistics menu.


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Edit or add a new record on the Logistics event screen to open up a logistic event record.

1.Fill in a label for the text field name.
2.Tick the checkbox if the text field needs to be filled in when entering a date for the logistic event.


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Select the Update button at the bottom of the form to save the information.  Select Cancel if you wish to discard changes.  The text field will now be displayed in Delivery in the Deliveries screen and in the Status section of a delivery line.


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If a text field is required, an error will appear when saving the logistic event date without entering text.


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Logistic Event Text Display and Search in the Deliveries Screen

The logistic events text field may be displayed in the Deliveries screen.  Select the name of the logistics event text box and add it to the Deliveries table using the Save view button.

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Then the text from this field will be displayed in the grid.

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You may also search on the text in the logistics event using the search box.  Type the name of the logistics event search box and the value you wish to search on.


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