Settings Tab

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This tab is used mainly by Agiblocks Administrators to manage Master data and other system configuration parameters. Some tiles may be repeated from the Start tab, to give an administrator a better overview of all Master data or set-up elements.   Tiles available will depend on a customer's configuration, license or subscription.




Internal companies - Here a customers company offices or divisions are defined and maintained.  If inter-company contracts are created, you would select the internal company by accessing the company through this tile.

Counterparties - This is the same tile as on the default Start tab where buyers and sellers are maintained. Creating contracts in this part will create commercial purchase and Sales contracts.

Relations - This is the same tile as on the default Start tab where all other types of Counterparties, specifically service suppliers such as brokers, banks and storage facilities are managed.

Users -  Select this tile to manage employees within the Internal company structure who are working with Agiblocks. Assign pre-defined Roles to set the proper authorization per user for access to specified parts of Agiblocks.

Roles - Here Roles are defined to limit a user’s access to specified functions or modules in Agiblocks.

Configuration - This tile contains another menu where certain Master data items (like Cities, Commodities and Currency definitions used throughout Agiblocks) are maintained.

Cities - This Master data element can be managed from this screen.  It is on this screen so users with this permission do not need to access all other Master data elements.

Document templates - This module allows Users to create various templates such as Invoices, logistical documents, contracts.

Reporting period status - The Reporting period status tile allows users to set-up and administer closing periods which are based on reporting periods.

Financing agreements - If the Trade financing module has been implemented, this tile will be displayed.  It allows users to enter new Financing agreements that are used for Trade financing.

Invoice defaults - allows set-up and usage of invoice VAT defaults per Internal company.