What are Posting Profiles?

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Agiblocks uses Posting Profiles to match the export of Agiblocks financial information to an external system. This process facilitates financial integration of Agiblocks with ERP systems like SAP or financial systems like Navision. The following table lists the current Posting Profiles, along with the triggers and their resulting impact.




Trigger: In Agiblocks, set an incoming invoice from draft to complete. (This can only be done after Allocation of the underlying budget.) Impact: The incoming invoice is sent to the external system and will be posted on a suspense account until the delivery is executed and priced.



Trigger: In Agiblocks, set an incoming invoice from draft to complete. (This can only be done after Allocation of the underlying budget.) Impact: The outgoing invoice is sent to the external system and will be posted on a suspense account until the delivery is executed and priced.



Trigger: Execute a purchase delivery of a contract with a final price. Impact: All purchase costs marked in Agiblocks Master data as “accrual” will be sent to the external system’s inventory account as an accrual. This takes the invoice received prior to the execution into account. Only the balance will be used for the accrual. If the “Invoiced” box is ticked on the invoice allocation (the cost item is fully invoiced), the balance will NOT be used to create an accrual.



Trigger: Execute a purchase delivery of a contract with a final price where the incoming invoices for the budgeted costs have been received.


Impact: Actual costs are sent to the external system and will be posted on the inventory actual account.



Trigger 1: An incoming Invoice is set to complete and there is an existing accrual for that cost item.


Trigger 2: On the Transport cost sheet, the related “Invoiced” tick box is

manually ticked to show that this cost item is fully invoiced.

Impact: The previously posted accrual (created in the PURCH_INVENT_A CCR process) is reversed, and the actual costs from the incoming invoice process or the manual tick box are sent to the external system.


Trigger: Execute a sale delivery of a contract with a final price. Either the purchase or inventory must be fully priced.


Impact: All sale costs marked in Agiblocks Master data as “accrual” will be sent to the external system as accruals. This takes the invoices received prior to the execution into account. Only the balance will be used for the accrual. If the “Invoiced” box is ticked on the invoice allocation (the cost item is fully invoiced), the balance will NOT be used

to create an accrual.



Trigger: Execute a sale delivery of a contract with a final price where invoices have been sent or received. Either the purchase or inventory must be fully priced.


Impact: Actual costs (allocated invoiced values) are sent to the Profit and Loss account in the external system.



Trigger 1: An outgoing invoice is set to complete and there is an existing accrual for that cost item.


Trigger 2: The delivery is un-executed.


Trigger 3: On the Transport cost sheet, the related “Invoiced” tick box is manually ticked to show that this cost item is fully invoiced.

Impact: The previously posted accrual (created in the SALE_DELIV_ACCR process) is reversed when the actual costs are sent to the external system.



Trigger: Execute a sale delivery of a contract with final price. Either the purchase or inventory must be fully priced.


Impact: The cost of goods is sent to the Profit and Loss account in the external system. If allocated to a Purchase, the purchase costs are used. For a sale out of inventory, the summarized goods value is used.



Trigger: When the received invoices differ from the initial budget while the “Invoiced” indicator is ticked to show that the cost item is fully invoiced.


Impact: An adjusted cost of goods is sent to the external system as it impacts the overall P&L result.



Trigger: Un-execute a sale delivery.


Impact: Cost of goods is reversed to zero in the external system.



Trigger: Changes to the cost of goods are saved.


Impact: The previously posted cost of goods is reversed to zero in the external system when the adjusted cost of goods is sent to the external
