Logistics/Reservations Permissions

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Logistics/Reservations permissions are used to grant access to the Reservations module and other general logistic related  functionality.


Logistics relations permissions


Permission name


Edit logistics/Can own logistics work

This permission has three purposes:

1. Allows a user's name to be shown and selected in the Logistics drop down list in the Seller & Buyer section of a contract

2.Shows  user's name in the drop down list for the Assign user button on the App bar on the Contract screen. This button is used to assign a logistics user to a contract.

3. Adds an automatic filter on the user's name in the Reservations and Delivery screens.  

Edit movement

Obsolete - no longer used.

Reserve lot

To see the Reservations tile, create Reservations and edit information on the Reservations screen.

Reverse or change execution

To see the Edit button on a delivery that has been executed and use it to undo or change an executed logistics delivery.

View financial

Obsolete - no longer used.

View logistics

Obsolete - no longer used.

View movements not assigned to the user itself

Obsolete - no longer used.