Master data Set-up

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Payment terms first need to be configured in the Configuration tile under the Settings tab.


Select Payment Terms under the Trade tab.



To configure the settings related to a Payment term, select the Edit button.




Edit mode contains a list of fields that can be populated with values.
Below is a table with a brief description of the functionality for each field:





Text field to enter a name for a Payment Term (example 10% 90%).


Text field to enter a description (example 10% deposit + 90% CAD fax copies).

Number of Days

Numeric field to enter number of days of the pre-payment period.

Based on

This field works in conjunction with the Number of Days field.  It identifies which date triggers the payment limit (B/L Date or Invoice date).

Payment Clause

A free text field for recording any payment clause related to this payment term.

Is Deposit Needed

Check box with Yes/No logic to differentiate the payment terms that require deposit.

Deposit Type

Percentage or Lump Sum. When selecting percentage, the Deposit Percentage field will appear.


Records the Deposit Percentage.

Is deposit date needed

Check box with Yes/No logic to differentiate the deposits that must be paid by a certain date.

Letter of Credit Needed

Check box with Yes/No logic to record when the payment term requires a letter of credit.


Check box with Yes/No logic. When selected, this payment term will appear first on the payment term drop-down menu on the contract entry screen.