Market Value in Costing Sheets

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Cost sheets now show an estimated Market value.  This market value is a new cost item. Like the estimated prices for To be fixed contracts, this is also an estimated value; its price is the market price calculated as market base price + market premium, like on Mark to Market. The date of estimation is shown with it.


This new cost item appears on every cost sheet for Sales contracts, Purchase contracts, Inventory, and detail cost sheets on deliveries. The market value cost items are updated at the same times as estimated prices would be updated for To-be-fixed contracts.

Combined with the other cost items, the market value cost item will show a total which is the expected P&L.


Once a quantity of goods become inventory (left side execution of a delivery), the estimated values for this quantity on the purchase contract cost sheet are frozen, and instead they are updated on the inventory cost sheet. Once goods are sold (right side execution for a delivery to a sale) then these estimated values are also frozen.


Note: This new Market value cost item differs from the values used in Mark to Market screens as those are updated continuously using the latest market data, while the market value cost items and estimated prices are updated only on specific moments.


Market value 1


Market value 2