Logistics User Assignment and Filtering

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For each Internal company, contracts can be assigned to logistic users when you have the following permission:




These users are then listed on a contract for selection. It is not required to assign a logistics user on a contract.  Once assigned a contract, each delivery line in a contract is then also assigned to that logistics user (for the contract only).




Transports are also assigned by default to a logistics user. When creating a transport, the logged-on user becomes owner of the transport unless that user does not have the authority to have logistic work assigned. In that case, the transport is created without any owner.  


This logistics user assignment can be changed by editing the transport after creation.


The Logistics drop-down list shows only users in the relevant internal company with the necessary permission to get logistic work assigned.


When creating a transport from the New deliveries screen, users who create a transport automatically becomes owner of the transport.  


The Transports screen is automatically filtered by the user who is logged-on. Remove the filter to see all transports.

