General Permissions

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Permissions in this section are generally granted to Agiblocks Admins to help them configure city and reporting period data.  Synchronization and Manage System Settings permissions are normally restricted to Agiboo consultants and used only by them for troubleshooting.  




Permission name


Add new city

To add a new city name and information to City Master data.

Edit Agiblock Synchronization

For an Agiboo consultant to perform troubleshooting on the data Synchronization screen.

Edit reporting period status

To edit reporting period data on the Reporting period status screen.

Manage System Settings

Provides access for an Agiboo consultant to the Agiblocks System Settings screen.

Monitor Agiblocks heartbeat

Provides access for Agiblocks application and data synchronization monitoring

View Agiblock Synchronization

Provides access to a Synchronization screen used by Agiboo consultants for troubleshooting.

View reporting period status

To see the Reporting period status tile on the Settings screen and see information on the Reporting period status screen.