Financing Permissions

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Financing permissions control access to the Trade finance module and to allow users to manage financing agreements.




Permission name


Change financing reference number

Controls which users can change the financing reference field (from the bank) on an existing financing.

Create a financing

To see the New button on a Purchase Delivery in the Purchases tab of the Trade finance screen.

Edit a financing

To be able to edit data on a Financing Details screen.

Edit financing agreement

To edit information on the Trade agreements screen.

Export collaterals

To see and use the Export to Excel button on the Collaterals tab of a Trade finance screen.

Search collaterals

To see and use the search fields on the Collaterals tab on the trade finance screen.

Search pruchases

To see and use the search fields on the Purchases tab on the trade finance screen.

View financing agreement

To see the Financing agreement tile on the Settings menu and access the Financing agreement screen.

View financing details

To see the Edit  button on a record in the list on the Collaterals tab on the Trade finance screen and view the details of that record.