Editing and Adding Contract Delivery Lines

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In the Contract tab, select the Edit button in the Contract section to begin editing contract delivery lines.


edit button in contract


In the Commodity section, all the contract delivery lines will be displayed on the left.
The first contract delivery line will automatically be opened for editing in the blue screen area.
Select a different contract delivery line to highlight it for editing.  

edit contract delivery line


Change the information and use the Save button within the blue area to save changes.
Use the Cancel button to cancel changes and deselect the item for editing.
Use the Delete button to delete the contract delivery line, see the section below.


Adding a New Contract Delivery Line

To add another contract delivery line, select the Add Contract line… text..
Fill in the information in the blue Edit form and Save it.
Select the Save or Save and Continue buttons at the bottom of the Contract section to commit changes.