Document Template Permissions

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The following permissions are relevant to Document Templates. Please note that most permissions in this section are normally reserved for the Administrator role only.




Permission name


Edit Content items

To edit data in the Content items tab of the Document templates screen.

Edit Document section

To see the Edit button in the Document section on a contract, invoice or logistics (delivery/transport) form.

Edit Document templates

To edit data in the Templates tab of the Document templates screen.

Edit Document types

To edit data in the Document types tab of the Document templates screen.

Edit Documents

To see and use the Generate button on the contract list or the Generate button at the bottom of the invoice or logistics document sections.

Edit Translations

To edit data in the Master data translation tab of the Document templates screen.

View Content items

To see the Content items tab and information under it on the Document templates screen.

View Document section

To see the Document section on a contract, invoice or logistics (delivery/transport) form. A user must also have view/edit rights to these forms to see these sections.

View Document templates

To see the Templates tab and information under it of the Document templates screen.

View Document types

To see the Document types tab and information under it on the Document templates screen.

View Documents

Must be assigned in combination with the View Attachments or Edit Attachments permission for a user to see and use the Attachments App bar button on the Edit delivery and Edit transport screens.

View Translations

To see the Master data translations tab and information under it on the Document templates screen.