Creating a Contract with Commodity Elements

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Between the quantity tolerance and the commodity properties on a contract is a required field to change the commodity element’s default percentage to any value between 0 and 100, with 2 decimals.


In this example for Butter:

Fat has been defined above as a commodity element with a default value of 80%.
On the contract, the expected percentage is changed to 81%.
This is a required field, which would display the defined default if it is not changed.




On execution of a Purchase delivery, the contractual percentages of each constituent are shown and can be overridden by the actual percentages delivered.




On Sales deliveries, three percentage fields are listed.
In Edit mode, when executing the delivery, the first percentage listed is from the incoming purchase delivery. This is displayed as read-only.
Enter the actual percentages as perceived by the buyer in the second field.
The third field is for the final actual percentages. The default is the average between incoming and outgoing, but this can be edited.
Both actual percentage fields are mandatory, but is prefilled with the default value.
On execution, all of the percentage fields become non-editable.
On execution of any delivery, the values are copied forward to the next lot.
There is no requirement on how percentages add up, so it may be less or more than 100%.

