Cost History on Contracts

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All Contract cost sheets will show a history of the changes made on a cost item.   This is available by selecting the small arrow under the cost type.


Cost sheet history 1


For cost records on Contracts created in version 3.26.1 forward, this section will show any changes to cost item information.


Cost sheet history 2


Cost Item History Information

The following information is displayed in the cost item history section.

Cost item ID - the record number of the cost item
ID - History record number of the cost item
Total Currency - Total amount of the cost item after an update or change.
Price - value entered for a cost item price.
Cur - Currency of the cost item
Estimation date - date that the item was updated with estimated values.  This will be blank if the cost item is a fixed cost.
Change Date - date of the change made to a cost item.


Note: There will be no history available for cost item records created before version 3.26.1.  Cost item records created before 3.26.1 will show the text “No records to display” in the Cost Item History section.  An example of a cost item created before version 3.26.1 with no history is below.


Cost sheet history no records