Agiblocks 3.29

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The following are new features and changes introduced within the Agiblocks major version 3.29.



Payment Agreements
Enhancements to the Trade Finance Module including:
oEnhanced search
oAddition of a due date field for a collateral
oAbility to manually enter a collateral end date
oInventory financing
oSales delivery financing
oAbility to start using goods as collateral at any stage in the logistics process
oAbility to move collaterals to a new financing
oFinancing information shown in other modules
Support for trading with bags and other types of parcels in Contracts, Reservations and Deliveries
Streamlined document generation
Weight note enhancements
Franchise invoice enhancements
Agiblocks Heartbeat


Physical Contract Number in the Mark to Market Details Screen and Excel Download
Final Settlement Price in the P&L Insight Details Screen and Excel Download
Origins Column and Search on the Delivery Screen
The Many to one delivery screen has been updated to support parcels with different types of parcels (bags).
A process now exists for Agiboo Support to remove old pricing confirmations if they are no longer needed.  Please contact for more information.
The Agiblocks financing number will now appear on a purchase delivery when there is a financing. This is addition to the bank details.
A Sale collateral will now automatically be closed when the last payment is entered.  The end date on the collateral will be set to the same date as the last payment date.


Polarization Premium Master Data
Market Data Connector Support for FinanceAGRI API


A minor release that resolved 6 issues.


A minor release that resolved 6 issues.


Warrant Number Search in Reservations
6 customer issues were resolved.


A minor release that resolved 3 issues.


A minor release that resolved 1 issue.


A minor release that resolved 3 issues.


A minor release that resolved 6 issues.


A minor release that resolved 10 issues.


A minor release that resolved issues relating to slow delivery cost sheet data processing after a bulk rolling or re-estimation is done.


A minor release that resolved 1 issue.


A minor release that resolved 1 issue with missing portion numbers in snapshots.


A minor release that resolved 1 issue.


A minor release that resolved 1 customer upgrade issue.


A minor release that resolved 2 issues with deploying Agiblocks on new Windows servers.