Agiblocks 3.31.4 Release Notes

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Agiblocks 3.31.4 is a minor release which fulfills some customer support requests and adds one new customer requested feature regarding Delivery executions.


Weight Gain or Loss on Delivery Execution

Previous to version 3.31.3, Agiblocks allowed deliveries to be executed with a minimum and maximum weight variation of up to 10%.  Now Agiblocks allows a company to set which minimum and maximum weight variance percentage they wish allowed on Delivery execution.


Two new fields are used to set the values for weight gain or loss at Delivery execution.  These are available on an Internal Company screen. Users with rights to edit an Internal company will be able to set these amounts.




The fields will appear with the 10% default entered. To change the values, edit the Internal company record.  New values from 0 to 100% may be entered for each field. Saving the Internal company record saves these values.  These amounts will then be used for any Deliveries executed for this Internal company.  If there are multiple Internal companies within an Agiblocks installation, the Maximum delivery weight gain and Maximum delivery weight loss must be entered for each Internal company.